Career has become the most important part of human life. The industrial revolutions and globalization have a greater impact on our career. A Recent survey reveals that average men spend only 368 days to socialize with friends but spends 13 years at work. So it is very important to choose an interesting and rewarding career for a better quality of life.
Astrology is a wonderful tool that can help to take empowering career choices. The progressive and rewarding career would improve the overall quality of one's life. The concept that I discuss here will be a bit technical, but I will try my level best to explain in laymen terms.
Houses to be judged for a career or profession
In astrology, the 10th house refers to a career or professional life. With that in mind, most people restrict the career only with the 10th house, but it is a premature conclusion. The 2nd house rules earning or source of income and 11th house rules source of gains are also an important factor in deciding the career. So when it comes to a career following house should be analyzed,
10th house for nature of the job
2nd house for the source of income
11th house for the source of gains
7th house for partnership - In case of a business with a partnership
Planets concerning the different profession
Each planet indicates the key profession and influence of a particular planet in 10th house, 2nd house, and 11th house will indicate the area of profession one will likely to do. Below are the planets and corresponding high-level profession.
Mercury - Scientist, Engineers, writers, journalist, publisher, accountants, bankers, etc
Venus - Artist, creative workers, fashion designers, architects, automobile owners, etc
Sun, Moon, Mars - Government Services. Sun for administration, Moon for people service and Mars for Military and police
Saturn - Hardworking jobs
Rahu & Ketu - Routine jobs
Jupiter - Philosopher, astrologers, spiritual activist, lawyers & judges, etc
The above mentioned are just high-level indicators, the planetary conjunction will give different results. For example, the Moon and Mars conjunction will give a career in electrical engineering or business related to liquids.
Importance of the strongest and most influencing planet in the horoscope
Often times the strongest planet in the horoscope will also become the key influencer of one’s profession. The strongest planet in the horoscope influenced by the 2nd house is enough for a person to set up a career related to the influencing planet.
Role of Atmakaraka and Amatyakaraka
Atmakaraka is the planet that gets the highest degree in the horoscope and Amatyakaraka is the planet that gets the second highest degree in the horoscope. The position of these planets in the Navamsa chart is one of the key determinants of the career.
Find the Atmakaraka planet and read of the position of Atmakaraka planet in the navamsa, called this as Karamkamsa Lagna. From Karakamsa Lagna, find the 10th lord and the planet influencing 10th house. Also, find the position of Amatyaraka planet in the navamsa and its association. Stronger the influence out of these two will indicate the profession one likely to take.
For example, if the Atmakaraka planet is Mercury and Amatyakaraka is Jupiter. If Saturn and Mars influence the 10th house from Atmakaraka and if Jupiter occupies the sign of Saturn or Mercury or Mars, then we can conclude the career related to the law and judicial department.
Role of Dasamsa
Since 10th house refers career in astrology, the 10th division of Rashi chart which is called Dasamsa play a major role in deciding the career. In my opinion, the dasamsa shouldn’t read in isolation. It should always be read along with Rashi and Navamsa chart. The 10th lord in Dasamsa and the planet influencing 10th house in the dasamsa would indicate career related to the influencing planet. If the same planet gets influenced in Rashi and Navamsa chart then we can predict the field of a career with certainty.
Role of Dasha bukti
The dasha bukti(or otherwise called the timing of events) will play a very important role in deciding the career. Sometimes a well placed planetary dasha even if don’t have any connection with the 10th house will give a career to the native in the respective field. For example, the well placed Venus Mahadasha if runs in middle life(say age 30 to 50) then it may give career related to Venus even if the planet doesn’t have any influence with 10th house.
Concluding a career with all these factors
After carefully accessing all the factors mentioned above, find the planet that is most influencing in all the charts ie: In the Rashi chart, Navamsa chart and in the dasamsa chart. The planet that gets maximum influence in all these charts will determine the primary career for the native.
A career in multiple fields
If more than one planet gets influenced in all these charts mentioned above then we should either conclude a career in multiple fields or a career that requires multiple skills.
Predicting career is the most challenging job for an astrologer. The above mentioned are just a high-level thumb rule. An astrologer will study many other influences from time to time to conclude the result.
Additional Notes
I am currently writing a book Titled "Astrological Study of Modern Careers". This book will have astrological analysis of 50+ career with 120+ example horoscope. If you would like to get this book at the early bird offer then fill this form
Also I have an online course explaining Career astrology with 120 example horoscopes, here is the link to the course
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